Category: Webinars Webinar - Understanding the Earnings Cliff: How Employers Can Support Blind Employees on Social Security Benefits

April 2, 2025 - 2:00 pm -

Many blind employees who receive Social Security benefits face a significant financial barrier known as the earnings cliff—a point at which earning even a small amount above a certain threshold can result in the sudden loss of benefits, leaving them financially worse off for working more. As an employer, you play a critical role in helping your employees navigate this challenge, ensuring they can grow professionally while maintaining financial stability.  Join Chris Peterson, Jenny Holcomb from Penny Forward for this insightful webinar to learn how you can support your blind employees in maximizing their earnings without jeopardizing their benefits. We'll break down the earnings cliff, discuss work incentives and planning strategies, and explore how employer advocacy can drive legislative change to create a more inclusive and financially secure workforce.

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