Types of Career Opportunities
Leading a Vision Rehabilitation Organization
As leaders of non-profit organizations we face unique challenges. In a world where everyone has their hand extended and people in need keep streaming through our doors, how do we keep our programs and staff safe and strong?
Who do you turn to ask the tough questions? How can you find someone who has already successfully traveled a path similar to the one you are on? Members of VisionServe Alliance have each other. We know better than to reinvent the wheel. We have learned to grab the wheel and drive with the help of other members vast knowledge, experience and empathy. Join us!
Vision Rehabilitation Professionals
Comprehensive vision rehabilitation services are typically provided by a team of professionals that could include: Low Vision Therapists, Vision Rehabilitation Therapists, Orientation & Mobility Specialists and Teachers of the Visually Impaired. These are the professionals that we employ and we have a stake in supporting a continuous stream of highly qualified personnel.
Certified Low Vision Therapists (CLVT)
CLVT’s Scope of Practice
Certified Vision Rehabilitation Therapists (CVRT)
CVRT’s Scope of Practice
Certified Orientation & Mobility Specialists (COMS)
Orientation & Mobility Specialist’s Scope of Practice
Teacher of the Visually Impaired (TVI)
The Central Role of the Teacher of Students with Visual Impairments