A Challenge: Being Thankful This Holiday Season
During this time of year, we are all compelled to think about the people for whom and circumstances for which we are grateful. I welcome the seasonal nudge as I am someone who places a lot of energy in the future and not enough being present in the “here and now.” Perhaps you can relate to this; it certainly feels like everyone is somehow so much busier than we were a few years ago.
As dedicated leaders and professionals, we can become so focused on our quarterly objectives and the people we serve, that we look past our very own team and family members. As suggested in The Leadership Challenge, strong leaders slow down, notice all the good work are teams do, thank them and “encourage their hearts.”
So let me suggest a holiday leadership challenge: between now and New Year’s Day personally thank at least one person every day.
Be mindful and specific about your gratitude. Do this in person for a colleague, a partner, or a child. Calls are ok too. Think about it: when is the last time you called and thanked one of your parents in a genuine and specific way? Make it come from your heart and touch theirs; listen for their responses and respond with kindness.
I will get us started by thanking all of you. I am profoundly grateful that you work in this field so that people with blindness and low vision can more fully enjoy and participate in life.
We each play a different role in this community. Some of you are focused on recreation or employment, others on accessibility policy, some on orientation and mobility skills, many provide educational services or low vision and vision rehabilitation services. The Lighthouse Central Florida, captures these pursuits in their mission statement of “Live, Learn and Earn.” Notice the first word is LIVE. Living is constant. Whatever your specific role and objectives, remember that you are helping people live with dignity, fulfillment, community, and joy. In my opinion, there is no better way to spend our own lives.
When accepting this challenge, my mind filled with the names of all those I need to thank.
I wish space allowed me to do it here, but it does not. Because I too am participating most of you will soon hear from me with an expression of my appreciation. Until then, it is with the deepest gratitude.