How important is it to know the latest trends in your field? To connect with like-minded leaders? To learn techniques to become a better leader?
We think all of these are super important. And the ideal place to network with other leaders and keep up to date is to attend our annual conference. The Executive Leadership Conference (VSAELC) provides high-level executive training and opportunities to network and collaborate with other leaders in the blindness and low vision field.
Because not all of our members can afford to attend, especially those from smaller agencies with budget concerns, VSA started the Rachel Rosenbaum Conference Scholarship program, which gives members the opportunity to attend a conference for free.
Here’s what two recent recipients said about the impact of receiving this scholarship:

“Attending VisionServe’s conferences has given me new insights, new friends and partners, and new ideas for improving services at my agency. Due to financial constraints, because we are in the process of building a new facility, I would not have been able to attend VSA this year if I had not received the scholarship. So, thank you so very much to the donor who provided this great opportunity.” – Sylvia Perez, Executive Director, Lighthouse for the Visually Impaired and Blind.

“I cannot even begin to thank you enough for the incredible experience I was able to enjoy this week due to your support of our agency…the sessions centering around organizational structure, fundraising, and the discussion tables were enormously helpful; I didn’t leave a single session without a page full of exciting and implementable notes. I so greatly appreciate that you selected me to receive a scholarship for the conference, as our agency would not have been able to support my attendance without it.” – Shellena Heber, Director of Operations, Valley Center for the Blind.
For more information about the Conference Scholarship Program, email