System & Soul

System & Soul – Clarity. Control. Breakthrough.

System & Soul gives you the structure, language, and processes you need to manage your business while honoring the soul – why you created it in the first place, the culture you want for your employees, and what best motivates your clients. When both system and soul align – that’s the ultimate competitive advantage.

We understand the challenge of running a business while maintaining a clear direction and a steady course.

As you grow, scale, and expand your team, what worked in the early stages won’t get you out of the chaos and change you’re experiencing now. System & Soul will help you get where you want to go and do so more quickly.


Systems create durability and sustainability. A defined system allows you to cultivate talent, avoid solving the same problem twice, delegate responsibility, and focus on what matters most.


Nothing fuels innovation and growth like a soul alive and in sync with its design. System & Soul is the only framework that merges the power of the system and the inspiration of the soul of your business to innovate and excel.

Breaking through Barriers

Let us help you …

  • Scale to catch up with exponential growth
  • Move past plateaus to achieve better results.
  • Streamline activity and decision-making.
  • Establish winning values and cultural habits.

System & Soul Benefits

• Build a strong organizational chart:
– design the ideal structure for your organization, building seats first with clear expectations, roles and KPI’s
– fill the seats with the right people who are passionate about the role, have the necessary competencies and have the capacity to fulfill
– use the org chart as a continual tool to manage workload and plan growth (and any additional seats) for the future
• Articulate a powerful vision statement, core values, intentional habits and engineer your organization’s culture
• Understand your organization’s unique “hedgehog” – the sweet spot where your organization’s passion, competencies and economic engine intersect
• Master a simple continual/perpetual process for strategic and annual planning that will remain the focus of the entire organization (rather than sitting on a shelf), that is flexible, responsive and drives traction
• Create a 90-day rhythm for your organization utilizing prioritized quarterly objectives that keep teams focused and moving forward
• Facilitate “fat-free” and effective meetings using a specific agenda and guidelines for staying focused and avoiding “rabbit-holes” (and teach everyone in your organization to do the same!
• Create a Scoreboard that identifies top priorities and drives accountability (what gets measured, gets done)
• Develop a genuine Leadership Team, built on trust, accountability and C.A.R. (clarity, autonomy, and results)
• Learn the process for solving organizational issues rather than just discussing them and the 10 commandments of decision-making
• Keep this entire operating system in an online app where everyone on the team can contribute and refer

Learn more about System & Soul

System & Soul is designed to drive you forward in six critical business areas: design, cadence, score, destination, ethos, and people. Each area is supported by tools to start conversations and determine the best next steps to create alignment.

a layout graphic showing the six critical business areas: design, cadence, score, destination, ethos, and people

System & Soul Implementation

We offer two levels of System & Soul implementation – Based on your organization’s size & goals:

Year One

  • Day One:  Launch with a full-day (eight-hour) session
  • Days 30 and 31: Two full-day sessions (adjacent days recommended)
  • Ongoing: A monthly one-hour individual coaching session for the chief executive, plus additional on-demand phone/zoom consulting with your leadership team.
  • Quarterly Refuels: Three eight-hour sessions
  • Annual Strategy Session:  12-hour (one and a half days), assess, strategize, take stock

Year Two

  • A monthly one-hour individual coaching session for the chief executive plus additional on-demand phone/zoom consulting with your leadership team
  • Quarterly Refuels: Three eight-hour sessions
  • Annual Strategy Session: 12-hour session
  • Graduation

Program Cost & Payment Options

Full Implementation Plan
monthly payments with ACH savings!

Full implementation of this two-year program, including all sessions outlined above, plus access to S2 open-source tools, is $60,000. Receive a 10% discount when you pay by ACH to $54,000, paid as follows:

  • Up-front ACH payment of $10,300, then 23 monthly payments of $1,900
  • Your fee includes sessions outlined above for two years, plus On-Boarding Manuals for your leadership team ($200 per person manual fee waived)

Full Implementation Plan
Pay As You Go Option

  • $5,000 per full-day session
  • $7,500 for one-and-a-half-day sessions
  • Includes On-Boarding Manuals for your leadership team

Added Costs
both Full Implementation options

  • S2 Management App: $4.50 per team member per month (non-profit rate)
  • Travel: billed at cost; total cost determined by location and the number of in-person sessions. Additional virtual sessions are available when A/V equipment enables team participation as needed.

Option 2
S2 Micro-Business Academy Implementation

Exclusive one-on-one training for the chief executive only

Ideal for C-Suite leaders who want training for themselves –
and can then share that learning with their leadership team.

Micro-Business Academy Program Cost

  • $500 monthly for one year of CEO Micro-Academy workshop sessions. Includes On-Boarding Manual
  • $250 monthly for one year of participation by a second leadership team member. Includes additional On-Boarding Manual
  • $4.50 monthly per each S2 Management App

Get Started Today!

Contact Lee to discuss options

Lee Nasehi
Certified System and Soul Coach

System & Soul Client Experience

“The System & Soul process has benefitted our leadership team through clearly mapping out our organizational structure across all of our business units in a way that further clarifies accountability. This clarity has helped us all work in sync toward achieving our core objectives.”

Eric Bridges, President & CEO
American Foundation for the Blind

“Working with Lee Nasehi as a consultant has been nothing short of transformative for Wayfinder. As an organization that has more than doubled in size, we faced the challenges of tracking goals through cumbersome spreadsheets. Lee stepped in as a highly effective consultant and trainer, bringing with her a wealth of expertise. I couldn’t be more pleased with the results we’ve seen since partnering with Lee and System & Soul.”

Jay Allen, President and Chief Executive Officer, Wayfinder Family Services

“As a statewide organization, we believe having an EOS system is crucial. It puts in place a process to ensure our teammates across the state are all rowing in the same direction as we innovate, evolve and expand. Lee’s consulting has been instrumental to our implementation success. She has listened to our assorted ideas and guided us to clarity. She has helped us develop focused, ambitious goals. And, she has helped us put pen to paper on what matters to us the most, our people and our culture. We wouldn’t be where we are today without Lee.”

Courtney Plotner, President & CEO, Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired South Carolinad

“The System & Soul process has benefitted our leadership team through clearly mapping out our organizational structure across all of our business units in a way that further clarifies accountability. This clarity has helped us all work in sync toward achieving our core objectives.”

Eric Bridges, President & CEO
American Foundation for the Blind

“One thing that stands out about the value of S2 is the ease with which projects, progress, and accomplishments are tracked. Not only does it keep the most critical priorities at the forefront but it is also invaluable to informing the staff performance evaluation process. In addition, the quarterly refuels not only advance our mission but also strengthen and help bond our team by providing an opportunity to work together on identifying the most important priorities for the coming quarter.”

Sonya Shiflet, Chief People & Planning Officer
American Foundation for the Blind

“For those managing a department that works collaboratively with multiple units across the organization, the S2 process has been quite beneficial for developing a workflow that allows for programatic traction, particularly when bandwidth is tight with multiple competing interests.”

Tony Stephens, Director of Communications, American Foundation for the Blind

“The quarterly cadence of structured planning activities not only advances our effectiveness and collaboration, but it also — by providing an opportunity to work together on identifying the most important priorities for the coming quarter — ensures we are working on what will bring the most immediate value and return on our investment.” 

Matthew Janusauskas, Chief Technology & Workforce Programs Officer, American Foundation for the Blind

“”Lee Nasehi’s work as the facilitator for our EOS traction methodology has provided much needed structure to our leadership team…the meeting format has been beneficial to us, allowing us to solve issues and move things forward.”

Dan Spoone, Interim Executive Director,
American Council for the Blind

“Using the Ninety platform has helped hold committees accountable and kept meetings on track.”

Cindy Hollis, Manager of Membership Engagement,
American Council for the Blind

“”Lee is able to take an outsider’s perspective and help us out of our silos to view the bigger picture.”

Nancy Marks Becker, CFO,
American Council for the Blind