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Training & resources for vision rehabilitation professionals, employers, people who are blind or have low vision, and their families.
Yoga for all. Virtual classes only $5.Begin your journey today at blueawningyoga.org. Blue Awning Yoga logo
Living your best life with Low Vision - Resources for Patients, Care Partners, and Healthcare Professionals designed to help people improve the quality of their daily lives. Prevent Blindness logo url: lowvision.preventblindness.org
Get your scripts talking to you! Spoken Rx® allows people with visual impairments to hear critical prescription information spoken aloud in English or Spanish! Spoken Rx is FREE and conveniently available at ALL CVS Pharmacy locations.
Prevent Blindness
Prevent Blindness
Spoken RX
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Training & resources for vision rehabilitation professionals, employers, people who are blind or have low vision, and their families.
Yoga for all
Living Well with Low Vision
Get your scripts talking to you! Spoken Rx® allows people with visual impairments to hear critical prescription information spoken aloud in English or Spanish! Spoken Rx is FREE and conveniently available at ALL CVS Pharmacy locations.
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