Policy and Funding

Policy and Funding

A concerted effort to enact Public Policy change is essential to advance our industry and significantly enhance access to vital services for people with blindness and low vision.

Open access requires that funding be available for all individuals to access life-changing Vision Rehabilitation services. Our work in Policy and Funding is dedicated to accomplishing this crucial achievement.

Aging and Vision Loss
Policy and Funding Focus Areas

Proposed Teddie-Joy’s Law

As a top priority, we are building bipartisan support for the introduction of Teddie-Joy’s Law to increase funding and services for older people across the US facing blindness and low vision. Support for this bill includes multiple federal agencies. See the Teddies-Joy’s law document in the resources below.

Medicare Reimbursement

We are focused on expanding Medicare reimbursement for vision rehabilitation services provided by non-medical vision rehabilitation professionals. We have launched Phase II of the Medicare Exploration Project to help do so. Learn more


We also advocate issues supported and advanced by our partner organizations. Calls to action are forwarded to our large group of organization partners to maximize engagement.

Added Resources

Proposed Teddie Joy’s Law Outline

View the Older Americans Act Reauthorization Recommendations

Our Response to the Proposed Revisions to the Older Americans Act Regulations

Join us in this Vital Work!

We need you. Talented leaders and volunteers are needed to advance our vital work. It’s an ideal opportunity to volunteer personally or nominate someone from your team as an essential professional development and visibility opportunity.

Volunteer to make a difference in the lives of people facing blindness and low vision. Contact Helen Chapman at HChapman@VisionServeAlliance.org to learn more.

“When consumers, professionals, administrators and other advocates band together with policymakers and public program implementers, we can truly change the world. That is why I am so committed to this work. Together, we all will achieve the imperatives embodied in Teddie-Joy’s Law, and we will end the monstrous inequity that America’s failure to honor our fathers and mothers represents. We can do this, if we have your help.

Mark Richert

“My passion is for the provision of equitable, accessible, and excellent services for older people with vision loss. I don’t think our field and our nation have done nearly enough. The good news is that we are working hard on this right now. Get involved. It will sustain you and without it, nothing else really matters.”

Pris Rogers

“With the population of seniors with vision loss growing exponentially, and current estimates indicating that only 3% of this population are receiving the services they need to remain living independently, the term “Crisis” is an understatement. In order to address this quality of service and inadequate funding crisis, it is imperative that the proposed Teddie-Joy’s Law be acted upon by Congress.”

Jeff Thom