VSA is currently accepting presentation proposals for its spring 2021 virtual conference until Feb. 12, 2021. Attendance at the VisionServe Alliance Executive Leadership Conference is open to any and all leaders in the field of blindness, low vision, and visual impairments. The Conference Committee is especially but not exclusively interested in proposals on the following subjects:

- Innovative program ideas
- Innovative fundraising ideas including running virtual fundraising events
- Facilitating culture change towards more diversity or other Diversity/Equity/Inclusion topic presentations
- Team Building and ensuring your employees’ mental health
- Remote service delivery especially mental health and delivery to rural communities
- Designing accessible programs at your organization (internally and externally)
Guidelines: Because presentations will be pre-recorded, presenters should be comfortable presenting virtually. Please include links to previous virtual presentations if possible. Please also include the following:
- Name(s) of presenter(s) (Panel discussions will be considered) along with title and email:
- Title of proposed presentation (100 characters or less):
- Description of presentation (500 characters or less):
- Attach headshot and bio for all presenters
- Include online links to relevant media
Submit your proposal: Email to info@visionservealliance.org with the subject line: ELC 2021 PRESENTATION PROPOSAL. Deadline to submit proposals: Friday, Feb. 12, 2021 by 5pm CST. If your proposal is not selected for this event, it may also be considered for an additional VSA virtual event.