Research Doesn’t Have to be Scary

We all know the value and necessity of utilizing research data to help build and support our program design, advocacy efforts, and funding strategies. Do you tense up just thinking about what it takes to do the research to support those efforts?

AVLNC Data & Research Committee partnered with OIB-TAC to develop a curated, searchable tool containing links to important peer-reviewed publications strictly focused on Aging and Vision Loss. Known as the Research Articles Collection (RAC), the free online database is hosted by OIB-TAC. In this one-hour webinar, the RAC developers will introduce the database, explain its development, and how to use it.

Learning objectives:

· Understand development of the database and ease of finding contemporary research articles about Aging and Vision Loss · Increased comfort with defining and utilizing research in program design, advocacy, and funding efforts · Structure searches to achieve effective research results

Who should attend:

Anyone who wants to bolster their skills in developing programs, proposals, and other professional development through use of peer-reviewed research.