VisionServe Alliance Honors Dr. John E. Crews
VisionServe Alliance Honors Dr. John E. Crews with the 2024 Scientific Lifetime Achievement Award – Celebrating a Career of Service and Innovation
VisionServe Alliance is thrilled to honor Dr. John E. Crews, for his passionate pursuit to leverage science and data insights to improve the lives of people with blindness and low vision.
Dr. Crews has nearly fifty years of experience in vision rehabilitation, disability, and vision research, including roles at the Michigan Commission for the Blind, the Department of Veterans Affairs’ Rehabilitation Research and Development Center on Aging, and serving as the Executive Director of the Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities. During his two decades with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), he was the Lead Scientist in the Disability and Health Branch in the National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities, and Senior Scientist with the Vision Health Initiative in the Division of Diabetes Translation. Since 2017, Crews has served as a consultant to the College of Optometry at the Ohio State University and is Principal Investigator for VisionServe Alliance’s Big Data Project.
We extend our deepest gratitude to John Crews for continually illuminating the critical factors impacting millions living with blindness and vision loss. “There are few efforts in our field that will have a greater impact than the Big Data Project” said VisionServe Alliance President and CEO Lee Nasehi. “John conceptualized this groundbreaking project that remains his passion and would not have been possible without his extraordinary knowledge of this field, public health, and data and research.”
Lifetime Achievement Award winners will be commemorated on Sunday evening, April 14th, during the Opening Ceremony of VisionServe Alliance’s Focused on the Future 2024 Leadership Conference in Kansas City, MO. Learn more about our Annual Awards and annual conference.
About VisionServe Alliance
VisionServe leads an alliance of 130+ member organizations that vastly improve the lives of people with blindness and low vision. VisionServe Alliance collaborates with leaders to enhance the health of the BVI field by maximizing engagement with life-changing vision rehabilitation training and services, addressing strategic issues impacting the field, cultivating leadership, enhancing management systems, sharing best practices, increased capacity-building and sustainability, informing public policy, developing groundbreaking data reports highlighting profound issues impacting people with blindness and vision loss, and more. VisionServe Alliance also leads the Aging and Vision Loss National Coalition (AVLNC), a consortium of leaders advocating for the needs of adults 65+ with blindness and low vision.
About VisionServe Alliance Annual Awards and Leadership Conference
VisionServe Alliance bestows its Annual Awards on leaders and innovators in the BVI field. Leaders receive Annual Awards in several categories at our annual leadership conference.
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