Aging and Vision Loss National Coalition
Service Provider Toolkit
This Service Provider Toolkit created by the Access to Quality Services Committee of the Aging and Vision Loss National Coalition (AVLNC) identifies the multiple impacts of vision loss on service delivery.
The Toolkit offers an overview of vision loss in the US, information to help you identify vision loss, learn more about common eye conditions, simulate what your clients may see with specific eye diseases (and the resulting type of vision loss), useful tips for working with adults with blindness and vision loss – including blindness etiquette – ways your organization can connect to information about vision loss, plus crucial national and local training, resources, and support for your clients.
Click here to view and download the Service Provider Toolkit

Interested in knowing more about adults with blindness and low vision nationally, in your state, and county-level?
Access the Big Data Project National and State Reports…

the only studies providing comprehensive descriptions of older people with vision impairment at the state and county levels in one document.
- Provides state-level data on the prevalence of blindness and low vision among people aged 65 years and older for many states with a goal to release reports for all US States.
- Includes the prevalence and types of chronic conditions, QOL, disability, and social determinants of health measures among older people, including those with vision loss.
- Includes data sets from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) and the American Community Survey (ACS).
Learn more about the Big Data Project at: visionservealliance.org/big-data-insights
VisionServe Alliance
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