Coalition Committees

Aging and Vision Loss National Coalition (AVLNC) Committees

AVLNC Committees focus on major strategic issues facing the vision loss field

Access to Quality Services Committee

Advocating for the inclusion of aging and, blindness & low vision in degree programs for those entering the fields of gerontology, occupational therapy, and other related areas that serve older adults. This committee also addresses the need to recruit newcomers to the aging and vision loss field and leads the Transportation Working Group. Learn more about this committee.

Data and Research Committee

Launched the ground-breaking Big Data Project industry reports identifying vision impairment and its factors at the state and county levels. Learn more and download a free National Report and published state reports. Added state reports will be published, with the goal of all providing these reports in 50 states. The committee maintains a Data Repository to share pertinent research articles and hosts informative webinars. Learn more about this committee.

Policy and Funding Committee

Introducing and cultivating bipartisan support for Teddie-Joy’s Law is a top priority for AVLNC. Aimed at increasing funding and services for older adults nationwide, this law addresses the needs of older adults with blindness and low vision and encompasses multiple federal agencies. This committee also leads the Medicare Working Group. Committee efforts are advanced in collaboration with VisionServe Alliance’s Public Policy Committee. Learn more about this committee.

Public Awareness Committee

This Public Awareness Committee aims to reframe how Americans view blindness and low vision by raising national awareness of the issues affecting these adults and connecting them with vision rehabilitation and other services. In addition to increasing national awareness and facilitating strategic marketing alliances, this committee generates media articles, issues press releases, and disseminates key AVLNC initiatives, including the Big Data Project. Learn more about this committee.

Join AVLNC Today

We need even more talented leaders to advance our life-changing work. Volunteer personally or nominate someone from your team for this unique professional development and visibility opportunity. Contact Helen Chapman to join one of these committees.

Learn about the Aging & Vision Loss National Coalition

Learn more about AVLNC, our goals, accomplishments, three-year plan, and AVLNC Committees.