Study in Philanthropy with Bank of America

Be among the first to hear the findings of the 2021 Bank of America Study of Philanthropy, which will illuminate many expressions of generosity by affluent Americans.

-What are the trends in giving and volunteering among America’s affluent households?

-What causes do they support, and why?

-How are the motivations and tactics of high net worth philanthropists evolving to meet urgent priorities?

The series offers practical insights into distinct donor demographics including the rising generation, women, LGBTQ+ and ethnically-diverse donors. This session will explore what motivates affluent donors to give and stop giving and which organizations affluent Americans currently support. These insights can help build the confidence and increase the success of non­profit staff and board members when seeking the support of high-capacity donors with the goal of securing transformational gifts to advance the nonprofit’s mission. Individual and family philanthropists also will gain a better understanding of emerging national trends and best practices in giving.