The FBC Way: Outcome, Operations, and Staff Culture VSAELC2021

Presenter: Jared Kittelson, Chief Operating Officer, Foundation for Blind Children

Foundation for Blind Children has gone from an organization that just 10 years ago was millions of dollars in debt with a six-figure annual operating loss. Mission creep had taken hold in all areas of programming. Morale had bottomed out. Fast forward ten years and FBC is financially stable with a growing team of vision professionals that are using best practices in instructional practices, as well as operations. Our instructional staff had developed research-based rubrics for our programs that measure outcomes in all service delivery models. We are using real-time data to measure the productivity and efficiency of our staff for caseload management, billing, program enrollment, and reporting. All while maintaining a staff culture that is in the 95th percentile in comparison to other non-profits across the United States. Learn how this three-pronged approach has transformed our organization and positioned FBC as a leader in the field of vision services. · Virtual Preschool Graduation · Virtual Services Highlight Reel · Arizona State University Story