VisionServe Alliance 2023 CEO Summit – CEO Bootcamp Agenda

You have chosen one of the most challenging and exciting careers you will ever love – and we want to help assure your experience as a chief executive is effective, personally and professionally rewarding, and sustainable for the long haul. Our CEO Bootcamp will provide a small orientation to this position in this field and offer options for continued learning to meet your specific professional needs and personal interests. While you may feel free to share the materials and general information you receive from VSA today with your community, the individual sharing of participants during this day is to be treated and kept confidential – a safe space!

10:30 – Welcome, Facilitator Introductions, and Program Overview  ~ Lee Nasehi and Sylvia Stinson-Perez

10:45 – Self Introductions

Your first challenge of the day is to come prepared to share the following information with your fellow participants in 3-5 minutes or less: Name, your 4 digit Kolbe M.O. and what you initiate with, briefly describe the organization you currently lead and where that is located, length of time in this seat, a little about how you got there, what is your passion and “why”, what you like most and least about the role and what is currently keeping you up at night – 75 minutes

12:00 – Dining in the Dark Luncheon, Sensitivity Training and Break

A plated luncheon will be served and all sighted participants will be invited to wear sleep shades through the meal. Time to eat and experience this will be provided and then the facilitators will present a variety of information including “blindness basics”, person-first language, organizational accessibility, inclusion and equity; a 15 minute break will be provided as well – 75 minutes

1:30 – The Blind Business: How It Works and What Makes It Unique

This session will provide information about the history of the field of blindness rehabilitation and related services; service delivery models and the overall community of organizations in the space; funding sources; and personnel/staffing. Opportunities & challenges will be explored. The format will encourage discussion and questions throughout. – 60 minutes  

2:30 – The Leadership Challenge

Participants will have received a copy of and encouraged to read in advance of this

session the book, The Leadership Challenge, by James Kouzes and Barry Posner. Lee Nasehi, a certified TLC Facilitator, will provide an overview of the Five Practices and lead the group through several exercises around Personal Bests, Values, and Philosophy of Leadership. Advance reading and completion of simple assignments are encouraged. — 60 minutes

3:30 – 15-Minute Break

3:45 – Understanding and Maximizing Board Governance

Award-winning leader, Gidget Hopf, will present best practices and key issues for discussion. Gidget, the past CEO of Goodwill of the Finger Lakes & The Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired, has advanced BVI organizations for decades, championing innovative and effective Board Governance strategies. Completion of a survey about governance models and challenges in advance is encouraged. Please bring your questions/challenges to the forum. – 60 minutes

5:00 – Intro to the Executive Leadership Institute, Next Steps and Conclude

Learn about the opportunity to participate in the VisionServe Alliance Executive Leadership Institute. — 30 minutes

5:30 – Break

6:30 – Group Dinner Together

8:30 – After-party on Sixth Street (Optional)