DEI – An Organizational Strategy for Success VSAELC2020

Lots of organizations are talking about diversity, equity and inclusion right now, but many of us are unsure of the steps we need to take to turn dialogue and best intentions into action. It is a serious undertaking – how will it affect my organization’s future success? Leaders should see this as a strategic issue and should be reflected in organizational values, vision and mission, in strategic plans and organizational policy. Organizations that prioritize diversity, equity and inclusion create environments that respect and value individual differences. Inclusive organizations nurture cultures that minimize bias, and recognize and address systemic inequities that can result in disadvantage for some. Join a panel of DEI consultants working with VSA member organizations to move beyond dialogue to action through strategic initiatives.


Shari Roeseler, Executive Director, Sacramento Society f/t Blind


  • Nicole Lee, DEI Consultant
  • Bryan Bashin, President/CEO, LightHouse f/t Blind & Visually Impaired San Francisco
  • Pete Benavidez, President/CEO, Blindness Support Services
  • Deo Mwano, Community Advocate, Deo Mwano Consulting
  • David Morgan