Unmuting Everyone Accessibility Panel VASELC2020

We have all learned a great deal more about connecting on digital platforms than we ever imagined we would. Yet, do we know how to ensure that the content, connection and delivery will support accessibility for clients and staff? Whether you are planning a “virtual” meeting, providing distance learning/instruction, enabling telehealth services, or supporting work, you need to ensure the platform, content and delivery methods are all accessible. This panel of experienced practitioners and leaders will provide valuable information and insights regarding website accessibility, assessing learning management systems and delivery platforms, and choosing methods for conducting training and sharing content.


  • David Dikter, CEO, Assistive Technology Industry Association
  • Ramzy Spencer, Lighthouse Central Florida/Lighthouse Works, Digital Accessibility Solutions Manager
  • Virginia Jacko, Miami Lighthouse for the Blind, President and CEO
  • Kevin Erickson, Ablr Accessibility and Inclusion Accessibility Services Manager
  • Israel Cazares-Zurita, Beyond Vision, Accessibility Coordinator
  • Harris Rosensweig, TCS Access, Director of Accessibility